

This is wrong.
Someone... tell me I'm just dreaming.

Please. Please. Be okay.

You have to honor my sacrifice.

Dont let me forget it for as long as I live.

The person you really really love might not be here anymore, but if there is a person who really really loves you instead, wouldnt that even things out... ?
So, dont think that you are all alone, okay. Because I'll be looking at you.
I'll always be looking at you. I'll watch over you.

How many times have I played this over in my mind by now..?

It's because you were there that I was able to come this far.
Because you were somewhere beneath the same sky as me...
Even when we were apart, I could never forget.
I was always wishing you were happy.
That's all that's been keeping me together.
You're the one... who made me strong.

I kept my promise.

I'm sorry.
Even though I promised I'd always be watching you ...
I lost sight of you halfway.
I ran away.

You didnt run away.
You just strayed a little.
And then you got a little lost.
Your compass was broken.
But you found your way back.
You came back.

You must be tired, right?
It was painful, wasnt it ?
Really hard, right?

But its alright now.
You dont need to worry anymore.
Just stay here.

And rest.

Thank you for waiting for me.

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